To integrate Google Drive into your AL (Business Central/NAV) code, you can use the Google Drive API and perform operations such as uploading files, downloading files, listing files, etc. Here's an example of how you can achieve this:
1. Set up the Google Drive API:
- Create a project in the Google Cloud Console.
- Enable the Google Drive API for the project.
- Create credentials (OAuth client ID) to access the API.
2. Install the "Http Web Request" extension from Microsoft AppSource in your Business Central/NAV environment.
3. Create an AL codeunit or code snippet with the following functions:
codeunit GoogleDriveIntegration
HttpClient: DotNet "'System.Net.Http.HttpClient', 'System.Net.Http', Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
HttpRequestMessage: DotNet "'System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage', 'System.Net.Http', Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
HttpResponseMessage: DotNet "'System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage', 'System.Net.Http', Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a";
procedure GetAccessToken(var AccessToken: Text)
AuthUrl: Text;
ClientId: Text;
ClientSecret: Text;
RedirectUri: Text;
TokenRequestUrl: Text;
TokenResponse: Text;
JsonObject: JsonObject;
// Set your own values for the following variables:
ClientId := 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID';
ClientSecret := 'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET';
RedirectUri := 'YOUR_REDIRECT_URI';
// Construct the authentication URL
AuthUrl := '';
AuthUrl += 'response_type=code&';
AuthUrl += 'client_id=' + UriEncode(ClientId) + '&';
AuthUrl += 'redirect_uri=' + UriEncode(RedirectUri) + '&';
AuthUrl += 'scope=';
// Launch the authentication URL in a browser and retrieve the authorization code
// Construct the token request URL
TokenRequestUrl := '';
// Build the request body
HttpRequestMessage := HttpRequestMessage.HttpMethodPost(TokenRequestUrl);
HttpRequestMessage.Content().WriteFrom('code=' + UriEncode(AuthorizationCode) + '&');
HttpRequestMessage.Content().WriteFrom('client_id=' + UriEncode(ClientId) + '&');
HttpRequestMessage.Content().WriteFrom('client_secret=' + UriEncode(ClientSecret) + '&');
HttpRequestMessage.Content().WriteFrom('redirect_uri=' + UriEncode(RedirectUri) + '&');
// Send the request and get the response
HttpClient := HttpClient.HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage := HttpClient.Send(HttpRequestMessage);
// Read the response content
TokenResponse := HttpResponseMessage.Content().ReadAsString();
// Parse the JSON response
JsonObject := JsonObject.JsonObject(TokenResponse);
AccessToken := JsonObject.GetValue('access_token').ToString();
procedure UploadFile(var AccessToken: Text; var FilePath: Text)
UploadUrl: Text;
FileName: Text;
ResponseContent: Text;
// Set the file name for the uploaded file
FileName := 'MyFile.txt';
// Construct the upload URL
UploadUrl := 'https
// Build the request
HttpRequestMessage := HttpRequestMessage.HttpMethodPost(UploadUrl);
HttpRequestMessage.Headers().Add('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + AccessToken);
// Send the request and get the response
HttpClient := HttpClient.HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage := HttpClient.Send(HttpRequestMessage);
// Read the response content
ResponseContent := HttpResponseMessage.Content().ReadAsString();
// Process the response as needed
// ...
procedure DownloadFile(var AccessToken: Text; var FileId: Text)
DownloadUrl: Text;
ResponseContent: Text;
// Construct the download URL
DownloadUrl := '' + FileId + '?alt=media';
// Build the request
HttpRequestMessage := HttpRequestMessage.HttpMethodGet(DownloadUrl);
HttpRequestMessage.Headers().Add('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + AccessToken);
// Send the request and get the response
HttpClient := HttpClient.HttpClient();
HttpResponseMessage := HttpClient.Send(HttpRequestMessage);
// Read the response content
ResponseContent := HttpResponseMessage.Content().ReadAsString();
// Process the downloaded file content as needed
// ...
Note: The above code assumes you have obtained the access token through the OAuth2 flow. You may need to implement the OAuth2 flow separately or modify the code to fit your specific authentication requirements.
Remember to replace placeholders like `'YOUR_CLIENT_ID'`, `'YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET'`, and `'YOUR_REDIRECT_URI'` with your actual values.
These code snippets demonstrate the basic functionality for uploading and downloading files. You can extend the code to perform additional operations like listing files, deleting files, creating folders, etc., by making appropriate API calls to the Google Drive API.
Please note that this is a simplified example, and in a real-world scenario, you may need to handle error cases, manage authentication tokens, and handle large file uploads/downloads more efficiently.
Make sure to test the code thoroughly and handle any potential exceptions or errors that may occur during the integration process.
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