Below is the structure used to export a Record/Table in JSON format.
The idea was not only to export a JSON Key, Value, but also to add more information, such as the data type of each field, the company from which it was being exported, and its respective primary Key.
[{"id": "Table/Record No","name": "Table/Record Name","company": "Company Name","position": "Gets a string that contains the primary key of the current record.","recordId": "Gets the RecordID of the record that is currently selected in the table.","primaryKey": {"fieldCount": "Number of keys","fields": [{"id": "Gets the number of a field as an integer.","name": "Gets the name of a field as a string.","type": "Gets the data type of the field that is currently selected.","value": "Gets the value of the field that is currently selected."}]},"fields": [{"id": "Gets the number of a field as an integer.","name": "Gets the name of a field as a string.","type": "Gets the data type of the field that is currently selected.","value": "Gets the value of the field that is currently selected."}]}]
JSON Management V2
This codeunit is the brain/heart that allows us to convert any Record into JSON format.
codeunit 51100 "JSON Management V2" { //This method receives any Record using the Variant data type and converts it to Json format. procedure RecordToJson(Rec: Variant): JsonObject var FieldRef: FieldRef; JORecord: JsonObject; JSONFieldArray: JsonArray; RecordRef: RecordRef; i: Integer; begin //Gets the table of a Record variable and causes the RecordRef to refer to the same table. RecordRef.GetTable(Rec); //We create the header of the Record with information of Record Number, //Record Name, Company, Company, Position, RecordId and its Primary Key. JORecord.Add('id', RecordRef.Number()); JORecord.Add('name', DelChr(RecordRef.Name(), '=', ' /.-*+')); JORecord.Add('company', RecordRef.CurrentCompany()); JORecord.Add('position', RecordRef.GetPosition(true)); JORecord.Add('recordId', Format(RecordRef.RecordId())); JORecord.Add('primaryKey', PrimaryKeyToJson(RecordRef)); //We go through all the fields of the RecordRef for i := 1 to RecordRef.FieldCount do begin FieldRef := RecordRef.FieldIndex(i); //Each Field we loop through we get its Field Id, Field Name, Field Type and its Value. //and then we store it in a json array JSONFieldArray.Add(FieldToJson(FieldRef)); end; JORecord.Add('fields', JSONFieldArray); exit(JORecord); end; //This method allows us to separately obtain the Key of a respective Record in Json format. procedure PrimaryKeyToJson(RecRef: RecordRef): JsonObject var FR_PrimaryKey: FieldRef; KeyRef_PrimaryKey: KeyRef; JO_PrimaryKey: JsonObject; JO_Key: JsonArray; i: Integer; begin KeyRef_PrimaryKey := RecRef.KeyIndex(1); for i := 1 to KeyRef_PrimaryKey.FieldCount() do begin FR_PrimaryKey := KeyRef_PrimaryKey.FieldIndex(i); JO_Key.Add(FieldToJson(FR_PrimaryKey)); end; JO_PrimaryKey.Add('fieldCount', KeyRef_PrimaryKey.FieldCount()); JO_PrimaryKey.Add('fields', JO_Key); exit(JO_PrimaryKey); end; //This method allows us to create the structure Id, Name, Type and Value of each field of a Record. procedure FieldToJson(FieldRef: FieldRef): JsonObject var JSONProperty: JsonObject; begin JSONProperty.Add('id', FieldRef.Number()); JSONProperty.Add('name', DelChr(FieldRef.Name(), '=', ' /.-*+')); JSONProperty.Add('type', Format(FieldRef.Type())); JSONProperty.Add('value', FieldToJsonValue(FieldRef)); exit(JSONProperty); end; //This method allows us to obtain the value of a FieldRef. local procedure FieldToJsonValue(FieldRef: FieldRef): JsonValue var FieldValue: JsonValue; BoolValue: Boolean; IntValue: Integer; DecimalValue: Decimal; DateValue: Date; TimeValue: Time; DateTimeValue: DateTime; DurationValue: Duration; BigIntegerValue: BigInteger; GuidValue: Guid; RecordRefField: RecordRef; begin if (FieldRef.Class() = FieldClass::FlowField) then FieldRef.CalcField(); if (FieldRef.Type() <> FieldType::Boolean) and (not HasValue(FieldRef)) then begin FieldValue.SetValueToNull(); exit(FieldValue); end; case FieldRef.Type() of FieldType::Boolean: begin BoolValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(BoolValue); end; FieldType::Integer: begin IntValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(IntValue); end; FieldType::Decimal: begin DecimalValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(DecimalValue); end; FieldType::Date: begin DateValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(DateValue); end; FieldType::Time: begin TimeValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(TimeValue); end; FieldType::DateTime: begin DateTimeValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(DateTimeValue); end; FieldType::Duration: begin DurationValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(DurationValue); end; FieldType::BigInteger: begin BigIntegerValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(BigIntegerValue); end; FieldType::Guid: begin GuidValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldValue.SetValue(GuidValue); end; FieldType::MediaSet: begin RecordRefField := FieldRef.Record(); FieldValue.SetValue(GetBase64(RecordRefField.Number, FieldRef)); end; FieldType::Media: begin RecordRefField := FieldRef.Record(); FieldValue.SetValue(GetBase64(RecordRefField.Number, FieldRef)); end; else FieldValue.SetValue(Format(FieldRef.Value())); end; exit(FieldValue); end; //GetBase64: We use it to convert the images of the tables Vendor, Customer, Item, Employee in base 64. local procedure GetBase64("Table ID": Integer; FieldRef: FieldRef): Text var RecordRefImage: RecordRef; Base64: Codeunit "Base64 Convert"; TenantMedia: Record "Tenant Media"; ItemRec: Record Item; CustomerRec: Record Customer; VendorRec: Record Vendor; EmployeeRec: Record Employee; TextOutput: Text; InStream: InStream; begin case "Table ID" of DATABASE::Item: begin RecordRefImage := FieldRef.Record(); ItemRec.Get(RecordRefImage.RecordId); if (ItemRec.Picture.Count > 0) then begin if TenantMedia.Get(ItemRec.Picture.Item(1)) then begin TenantMedia.CalcFields(Content); if TenantMedia.Content.HasValue() then begin TenantMedia.Content.CreateInStream(InStream, TextEncoding::WINDOWS); TextOutput := Base64.ToBase64(InStream); exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end; DATABASE::Customer: begin RecordRefImage := FieldRef.Record(); CustomerRec.Get(RecordRefImage.RecordId); if (CustomerRec.Image.HasValue) then begin if TenantMedia.Get(CustomerRec.Image.MediaId) then begin TenantMedia.CalcFields(Content); if TenantMedia.Content.HasValue() then begin TenantMedia.Content.CreateInStream(InStream, TextEncoding::WINDOWS); TextOutput := Base64.ToBase64(InStream); exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end; DATABASE::Vendor: begin RecordRefImage := FieldRef.Record(); VendorRec.Get(RecordRefImage.RecordId); if (VendorRec.Image.HasValue) then begin if TenantMedia.Get(VendorRec.Image) then begin TenantMedia.CalcFields(Content); if TenantMedia.Content.HasValue() then begin TenantMedia.Content.CreateInStream(InStream, TextEncoding::WINDOWS); TextOutput := Base64.ToBase64(InStream); exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end; DATABASE::Employee: begin RecordRefImage := FieldRef.Record(); EmployeeRec.Get(RecordRefImage.RecordId); if (EmployeeRec.Image.HasValue) then begin if TenantMedia.Get(EmployeeRec.Image) then begin TenantMedia.CalcFields(Content); if TenantMedia.Content.HasValue() then begin TenantMedia.Content.CreateInStream(InStream, TextEncoding::WINDOWS); TextOutput := Base64.ToBase64(InStream); exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end else begin TextOutput := 'NOIMAGE'; exit(TextOutput); end; end; else begin TextOutput := 'Not Handled' end; end; end; procedure HasValue(FieldRef: FieldRef): Boolean var HasValue: Boolean; Int: Integer; Dec: Decimal; D: Date; T: Time; begin case FieldRef.Type() of FieldType::Boolean: HasValue := FieldRef.Value(); FieldType::Option: HasValue := true; FieldType::Integer: begin Int := FieldRef.Value(); HasValue := Int <> 0; end; FieldType::Decimal: begin Dec := FieldRef.Value(); HasValue := Dec <> 0; end; FieldType::Date: begin D := FieldRef.Value(); HasValue := D <> 0D; end; FieldType::Time: begin T := FieldRef.Value(); HasValue := T <> 0T; end; FieldType::Blob: HasValue := false; else HasValue := Format(FieldRef.Value()) <> ''; end; exit(HasValue); end; }
codeunit 51101 DownloadJson { trigger OnRun() begin end; //This is an auxiliary method used, on the one hand, to go through all the records of a respective Record/Table, //and on the other hand, to allow Business Central to allow the user to download it locally. procedure DownloadJson(Variant: Variant) var JSONManagementV2: Codeunit "JSON Management V2"; TempBlob: Codeunit "Temp Blob"; RecordRef: RecordRef; Confirmed: Boolean; Istream: InStream; mJsonArray: JsonArray; OStream: OutStream; JsonText, FileName : text; begin //Gets the table of a Record variable and causes the RecordRef to refer to the same table. RecordRef.GetTable(Variant); FileName := RecordRef.Name + '.json'; Confirmed := Dialog.Confirm('Do you want Download the file ' + FileName + ' ?'); if (not Confirmed) then exit; //We iterate all the records of the table if RecordRef.FindSet() then repeat //Each Json obtained is stored in an Array of Json. mJsonArray.Add(JSONManagementV2.RecordToJson(Variant)); until RecordRef.Next() = 0; mJsonArray.WriteTo(JsonText); TempBlob.CreateOutStream(OStream, TEXTENCODING::UTF8); OStream.WriteText(JsonText); TempBlob.CreateInStream(Istream); //We download locally. DownloadFromStream(Istream, 'Export', '', 'All Files (*.*)|*.*', FileName); end; }
codeunit 51102 MyCustomAPI { procedure Ping(): Text begin exit('Pong'); end; //This codeunit is used as a method to be published as webservices and to be able to export //the record in json format via Postman/Web App/Azure Functions/Desktop App/Mobile App/Etc. procedure GetRecord(jsontext: Text): Text var Customer: Record Customer; Item: Record Item; JSONManagementV2: Codeunit "JSON Management V2"; RecordRef: RecordRef; mJsonArray: JsonArray; JsonObject: JsonObject; NameToken: JsonToken; NameRecord: Text; Output: Text; begin JsonObject.ReadFrom(jsontext); if not JsonObject.Get('Name', NameToken) then begin Error('Error reading Name Record'); end; NameRecord := NameToken.AsValue().AsText(); case NameRecord of 'Item': begin Item.FindSet(); repeat mJsonArray.Add(JSONManagementV2.RecordToJson(Item)); until Item.Next() = 0; end; 'Customer': begin Customer.FindSet(); repeat mJsonArray.Add(JSONManagementV2.RecordToJson(Customer)); until Item.Next() = 0; end; end; mJsonArray.WriteTo(Output); exit(Output); end; }
For more information on how to use a web service with a codeunit I made a post some time ago with more details.
I also leave the official information from Microsoft.
pageextension 51100 "Customer Ext" extends "Customer List" { actions { addafter(Reports) { action(DownloadJson) { ApplicationArea = Suite; Caption = 'Download Json'; Image = XMLFile; Promoted = true; PromotedCategory = Report; PromotedIsBig = true; trigger OnAction() var DownloadJson: Codeunit DownloadJson; begin DownloadJson.DownloadJson(Rec); end; } } } }
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